Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Blog of 2009

2009 was a wonderful year for me, filled with change and transition. I find myself thinking over all that has come to pass and I'm a little overwhelmed. Not only for just 1 year, but thinking of the past ten years I've come a long way since that troubled 16 year old girl... Uncertain and worried about how my life would change... the divorce of my parents, the alienation from my mother, troubles within school, my creative years of my life, writing, drawing... gaining friends and losing them.

I've come to think of the past ten years as a blur, something that I've lost so much track of. It's hard to believe that my main story character Drayne Xaphon is 10 years old... The stories that I have written with this character sometimes reflects my own troubles, sometimes extended past what I've suffered. Roleplay has had a great place in my life... Ironically if I had never roleplayed I would have never met my boyfriend.

The internet has come a long way. I remember when thinking dialup was the best thing since sliced bread, and now here I am ten years later saying "I can never go back to that piece of shit". Technology in general has changed and sometimes I wonder for the better or for the worst? Skynet anyone? Haha... Just kidding, but seriously. Just this past year California has banned cellphone use (without handsfree) while driving. Good move, and I applaud our 'govenator' for it. (Need I say I love Arnold?)

That aside; not only has technology has changed, but it's changed me, and us all. Truly without it I would have never met the person I love. Funny thing roleplaying has done for me. It's also brought me pain, with the situation with my ex Than and the near loss of my best friend Gwen... I count my blessings that I still have her so close. It was she who brought me to roleplay and my newest love; cosplay.

I have only been cosplaying for less than a year and yet it's brought me so much enjoyment... It's brought me new friends and new confidence within myself... And all of this within less than a year! Cosplaying and moving in with my significant other truly has been a life changing experience... 2009 will always live within my memory and I will always cherish it.

So... here's a list of things that changed my life within 2009~!

1. Graduated from my 2year college; South Side Virginia Community College
2. Visited California for the first time.
3. Flown in a plane for the first time.
4. Been in various states that I've never been in before (granted in the airport).
5. Moved in with my boyfriend.
6. Started cosplaying.
7. Moved away from my home of 25 years.
8. Got majorly hung over for the first time. XD 7 double-shot shooters in an hour... Not a lot of fun.
9. Been to 5 different anime conventions.
10. Lost friends and gained friends.

Amongst many other things, I just can't remember all of it... it's just the first ten that I can remember and has stuck out at me.

Now the top things for the decade.Some happy, others not.

1.) Graduated Highschool
2.) Graduated College
3.) Parents divorced
4.) Found my heart shattered
5.) Having it mended again (finding my soul mate)
6.) Moving away from my home of 25 years
7.) Being a rape survivor and becoming a stronger person
8.) Roleplaying
9.) Cosplaying
10.) And again; found and lost friends.

8 and 9 have brought me so many friends people who I see as family, I have also lost friends because of them as well... But I'd never change anything, even the bad things... For they have made me stronger.

So without further adiu; I wish you all...

A Happy New Years!

-苔桃 (Foxberry)

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