Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sherlock Holmes: Result + Aquarium Pictures & Other things

Just got back from seeing Sherlock Holmes.

I must say that I was completely blown away. It was superb. Overall I was very pleased with the movie and enjoyed how well they kept to the Sherlock Holmes feel. Robert Downy Jr. and Jude Law made the perfect "coupling" in a story such as this and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The witty humor and downright silly antics did not turn me off; but instead enhanced the charm of the movie. I will say that this is a must see for 2009 and I urge others to seek this movie out even if they do not care for murder mysteries. The atmosphere was perfect and just the overall feel of the movie, again, screams the era for when Sherlock "existed". Further the musical score was epic; Hans Zimmer, but that is to be expected.

I think I'll have to visit the library and borrow a few of good ol' Holmes stories. I miss reading them and this movie was complete nostalgia, in a good way.

Sherlock Holmes fans or not; go watch!

On another note I submitted my aquarium photos and some personal videos to my facebook and youtube. If you're interested check me out on facebook and youtube.


One last thing. New Years is just around the corner, remember to drink responsibly and bring in the New Year in a rock'n way!

-苔桃 (Foxberry)

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