Friday, January 8, 2010

Of Earthquakes and Blackouts

So... Cosplay stuff... Not much on the front; except I might not be able to do Leeloo *sighs* but that's for another time!

Instead I have news; I forgot to post last night. Blar.

And I even had news!

I slept through my first earthquake we had a 4.1 yesterday. And today? Guess what... I slept through another one a 3.7. Further! It gets better...

I had a black out today. o__o For about an hour our electricity ran out... Yep...

I would write more on this; but now I kind of don't want to. XP

Keeping a blog isn't all that fun sometimes.

-苔桃 (Foxberry)


  1. OO! you slept through the earthquakes!
    lol If it were me I would have been spazing out >.< lmao
